Sunday, April 25, 2010

Long Time, No See (or Read)

Sorry. I have no excuse. Here are a few things on my mind lately:

  • I know the state of my life is in unrest when I empty my dishwasher one meal's worth at a time and start using spoons in place of knives.
  • I'm wearing down, when I start thinking it's a good idea to bring a tape measure to see if my date's lied about his height.
  • I'm so lucky to have arrived home BEFORE the Icelandic volcano. My students don't agree.
  • I think I want to start a Kidney Walk team in honor of my friend Nate. What to call it? What to call it?
  • My school is being closed for remodeling for a year and all the teachers are getting to reselect their jobs based on seniority. I have to decide where to go. Eek.
Movie of the Day: Young Victoria. SUCH a good movie!!!!! She's my new favorite queen!