Monday, July 25, 2011


August is the "Sunday" of the calendar.   The I-Better-Get-Things-Done part of the year before reality hits with a bang in September.   It's not like I don't do things once school starts, but it always FEELS like I won't be able to do things once it starts.  Sure, I can't use the washroom whenever I'd like and I can't take a week-long vacation to somewhere warm in the  middle of any old month, but I should be able to see friends and read books.  Seeing friends are reading books has been pretty much all I've done this Summer too!  Okay, I have been working on remodeling my basement bathroom and for any of you who have been to my house, you know it's been about 9 years of bathroom destruction.  Soooo... it's high time, right?

Movie of the Day: August Rush. So true.

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