Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Okay, a little stream of consciousness for this fine day:

My toes are cold.
I'm wearing a sweater (it's cold out).
I fixed a ring yesterday that's been broken since October. It took 2 minutes.
I have three cds in my stereo and for some reason I get sick of the second one first.
I keep thinking I should dust my car (inside).
I called Walgreens yesterday to find out how to dispose of old cough syrup: Dilute. Soak up with paper towels. Throw in garbage.
It's the last day to suggest Willow Tree names.
I like when people talk fast or with accents (other than my own).
I'm nervous to open an iTunes account, but finally have found some songs I want to buy.
I'm reading Grace (Eventually) by Anne Lamott and sometimes I'm surprised at what she's willing to put in writing. She's very brave.
My aunt has started a bead-making business and they're pretty. (More on that later).

Movie of the Day: A River (stream?) Runs Through It.


Anonymous said...

Once you have an itunes account you can download public radio downcasts. My current favorite: This American Life. Eric loves CarTalk. I also like Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me and Fresh Air. Check 'em out. They are all available for FREE (smile). They are great for car trips, long walks, or plugging in the head set and doing housework!

Anonymous said...

I love Annie Lamott. Have not read "Grace." I agree she is unflinchingly honest.