Saturday, September 13, 2008

Community Ed Classes

Okay, I'm sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. Let's blame school starting, shall we?

Every Fall, I look forward to getting the Community Ed Classes flier in the newspaper. Over the years, I've taken quite a few classes: Joy of Soy, self-defence, photography, Norwegian, and even bellydancing. I haven't seen any in recent years that have just jumped out at me and made me want to rearrange my life to attend. So, I've decided to create a dream list of classes that I would enjoy:

Classes Becca Would Like To Attend Through Community Ed.
How to Introduce Yourself to a Neighbor Six Years After Becoming Neighbors.
How to Get Your Contractor to Do His/Her Job.
How to Cook Without Getting Injured.
How to Map Routes Through Duluth to Optimize Gas Usage.
How to Stop Drinking Pop: You Can Do It! Or Not Do It!
How to Find Organic Fair Trade Clothing That You Can Try On Before Buying.
How to Make World Peace a Reality.

Yep, that's my list. Now, I know I've been AWOL blogging. Please forgive me. What Classes would YOU like to see offered through Community Ed?

Movie of the Day: Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. I didn't think this movie would hit me just as deeply as it did. I really liked it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, I remember the "Joy of Soy." Those were the days. I've done belly dancing on more that once occasion and that's always fun.

I haven't found community education here yet. There is parks and rec but that is mostly kids stuff, swimming lessons and gym sports. I could go for a little "intro to Swahili" or "how to stitch your first stitch (and maybe your last)"

I'm afraid the answer to organic fair trade clothing is to spend a lot of gas and find ourselves somewhere other that Duluth or Iowa City... Isn't there someplace in St Paul?

Glad to see you blogging again!