One of my earliest friends was instant messaging me this evening and has inspired me to blog. It was essentially like she was saying "hop to it." She also gave me some topics to pursue. However, this evening, my brain is too wonky and tired to focus on one topic, so I shall give you some random snippets and think more clearly at another point in the near future.
So, let the randomness begin:
1) What's with the Chicken Dance at wedding receptions? Is it just that anyone who doesn't even like to dance will do it? (Think Becca).
2) Why are directions from internet sites so wrong sometimes? I was 40 minutes late for the Chicken Dance event because of my directions. Okay, I was only 30 minutes late because of them, the rest was my fault, but still....
3) What's a good thing to do when there are couples' dances and you're there alone? Hit the washroom, pretend to look at the art on the wall (that's what I did)? Suggestions?
4) Why is my desk at school spotless and my desk at home looks like an aisle from Target exploded on it?
5) Why am I addicted to Cherry Coke Zero?
6) What's the best way to encourage a friend to write a book when they have a good idea for one?
7) My neighbor is trying to sell her house, but I don't want her to leave. Do you think it would be evil to add a couple marks to the "handouts" on the sign and make it look like she wants $80,000 more than she really wants???? (I wouldn't do it, but I have thought of chasing some people away. Tee hee.)
8) Eight (8) is a nice number because it's 2 cubed (2 x 2 x 2) and it's a good age, too.
Movie of the Day: The Hangover. Saw it Friday night. Dumb humor. Funny, but dumb.
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