If you have an email account, you know that when you get a new email, a message appears somewhere on the screen that says "Inbox (1)." Every time I see that message, I get a rush of endorphins. Am I waiting for a specific email? Sometimes. Am I a little let down if it's some sort of "Your cellphone bill is ready online" type email? Yes. Usually, I'm happy enough just to see "Inbox (1)". I guess it's the little pleasures that we need to enjoy, right?
What? No movie of the day? Or did you think it was too obvious....
"You've Got Mail"
It'd be fun to watch that one again and think about how much has changed yet and has not changed in the past 10 years!
I can't believe I forgot a movie and on a day with SUCH a perfect tie-in. Thanks for catching it!
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