Saturday, May 05, 2007


Okay, so I'm fighting a "Should" today. I "Should" go to the school play. I "Should." However, it's going to be a downer and I just really need some time at home to be alone and wander my house aimlessly, putzing with whatever. It feels selfish, wimpy, and rude to my students, but I'm going to do it any way.

Movie of the Day: Dream Girls. Intense. Good.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Dream Girls was on sale at Target, I don't usually buy DVD's of a movie I haven't seen, however, this is one, that if the movie is good, I thought I might like to "own", so since it was on sale, I thought I'd buy it. Now the problem, no one at my house wants to watch it with me, (which is why I didn't see it in theater), so I'll have to wait till I'm home alone to view it.
I'm glad to see you recommend it, I'm sure I will enjoy it.