Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Personally, I like the sound of rain on my window, especially when I'm on the dry side of the window.

For the past few years, rain has meant a little river of water starts to flow in my basement. Not this year! Nope. No river. However, since the fixing of my foundation meant the destruction of my driveway until later this Spring, the river, or more the swamp, has moved to the driveway area. Muck. Muck. Muckity. Muck. Here are a few photos:

Do you see the boards on the left side of the above picture? That's how I walk between the house and the garage. They get slippery, but at least they spare my shoes.

This is where the driveway meets the garage. You can see what the tires track in each day.

Movie of the Day: Drives Me Crazy.

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