Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Mystery Guest

We have a speaker today in the afternoon assembly and I don't know what the topic is at all.  I know the lady's name and I googled her, hoping to get a clue as to what would happen, but no dice.  Nothing.  She might be from the UK, but that doesn't really tell me a topic.  I guess I'll have the answer by tonight.

Oh, and Betta update: He's swimming on his own!   I think he missed people or warmth (my house is cold) or teenagers or something.  Woo hoo!   Munch-A-Bunch Lives!   (He likes to eat.)


Aaron said...

Who was the speaker? How could she have no internet presence? TELL ME!!!

Becca said...

Her name was misspelled in the email announcing her talk. Sarah Blazy. I guess she is google-able with the correct spelling.

She survived a helicopter crash and explosion with many burns. Told her story.