Friday, February 17, 2012

Weird Dreams

I've been having weird dreams.   One night, I was riding a bicycle in a car.  Last night, or rather this morning, I was driving a bus across Texas and needed to stop in "Wilco" to eat.  There was a bucket of slaw to scoop from and a HUGE line for sandwiches.  I guess the place was known for it's matchmaking and there were lots of women there with reluctant-looking men (The women were trying to find love for the men.).  Oh my.  I ran into my sister and my choir director and then I dropped my shake on the floor, but it didn't spill.  They asked me how I paid for my school lunch and I said that Teachers got it for free (not true) and they were confused.   Then, I dreamed about having TONS of work to correct and then going out to eat with other teachers.  Weird.  Yep, that's what I remember.

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