I just read an awesome quote that said:
All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. ~ Havelock Ellis
It seems like so many people in my circle of friends, family, and colleagues are in a state of flux. It's somehow more than antsiness. More than ready for Spring. People are thinking of major life changes. Should I move? Should I get a new job? Should I still date him?
Is it Spring Fever?
Is it the world climate?
Is it society?
Is it a hole we are all looking to fill?
What am I letting go of that I should be holding on to and what am I holding on to that I should be letting go?
Movie of the Day: Garden State.
As I am about to put my house on the market and move on to a life without daily care for my children, I remember my graduation speech for Lake Superior College.
Everything changes but change. Yes, change is scarey but to quote Alan Cohen, "There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
I wish you life!
Garden State rocks.
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