Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Rollercoaster

I haven't been blogging lately, much. I feel bad about it, but then I think of what I would write and decide not to bore you. Things are up and down for me right now. I can be in a great mood and then suddenly want to sit in my house and sob.

I stop and try to figure out what is causing each emotion and can usually pinpoint it. Then, it changes and I can pinpoint that one. And so on... It's not the stuff of blogging, though.

So, anyone see any good movies lately?


Anonymous said...

It's hard work isn't it?

Michelle said...

I tried to watch Earthsea with Zane tonight. It was unrated but a TV show so I figured it was CBS or something, until a woman started taking her clothes off. I had to check IMDB ratings from other countries for it -- age 11 in Finland and 16 in Singapore (is Finland more lenient than Singapore?) So we watched an episode of Hardy Boys instead.

We watched Seeker last week -- beautiful cinematography, bad adaptation of a great book.

Becca said...

What's Seeker? Would I like it?

Michelle said...

Seeker, The Dark is Rising. I don't think so...a Harry Potter inspired rendition of a really great kid's book...the teenager I brought along did not like it but Zane did and I thought the cinematography was just gorgeous. Maybe on DVD.