Friday, March 14, 2008


Happy Pi Day, Everyone!

Pi is the ratio between a circle's circumference and it's diameter. So, the distance around it divided by the distance straight through it. The number is irrational, which means we don't know where its decimal places end or repeat (at least we don't know yet, big computers are working on it).

I only have 3.1415962 memorized, but some of my students memorized up to 100 digits in middle school.

One might think that I would buy pie for my classes today, but I think that might be over the top. I did tell them that they could bring in pies if they liked.

Movie of the Day: Pi. It's disturbing, so be forewarned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought that pi was 3.1415926 not 3.1415962 the 62 at the end being noted and not, as to my knowledge, 26