Monday, May 19, 2008

A Weird Time

There are 13 days left of school for the year and we are in a crazy/emotional/long-stretching yet flying-by kind of state. The crazy comes from trying to cram in as many "year end" activities as any school can: prom, music department concerts, awards ceremonies, banquets, class trips, senior assemblies, etc. Add in distributing yearbooks, meetings with seniors who may or may not graduate, and delivering grad party announcements. Then, because Duluth Spring is so fickle, our sports teams have had horrible luck with postponements and are trying to make up games/meets. There are kids missing 4 days of class a week for their sports (don't get me started).

Finally, after all of this, we get to the main point of going to school: learning. Yes, socialization is important, but so is knowledge. Tomorrow, I start to teach logarithms. Happily, it is the last chapter we will do for the year and I will try my best to teach it as efficiently and quickly for the kids who are 1) in attendance and 2) able to focus for just a bit long- just a little bit longer.

Movie of the Day: Golden Compass. Watched it this weekend while "enjoying" the flu.

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