Sunday, August 03, 2008


I have recently been invited to join two "informal book clubs." Really, this means two friends thought about how much I like to read and would maybe like to get more books in the mail. These were chain letters. I'm not good at chain letters. I just never send them and used to get freaked out by the gloom and doom of what would happen if I didn't pass them along.

So, since I do like books and I do like my friends, I thought I would just give my friends six of my books. Yes, I have that many I can spare. I met one of them for dinner last week and it had been a couple months since I received her "club invitation" so I surprised her with a huge bag of books and asked her to give one of them to the one person I was supposed to send a book to (her coworker). Technically, she got more than six books, but I don't care.

It was liberating to get rid of some of the books that I've either read or don't think I'm going to read any time soon. Ah....

What else can I cull out?

Movie of the Day: Mamma Mia! Good, silly fun!


Anonymous said...

What books have you received?

Becca said...

I won't be receiving any books. By giving my friends the amount of books they would have received had I sent the chain letters, I'm essentially cutting off my portion of the chain while still letting them get the same number of books they would have gotten if I'd passed it along.