Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Wee Bit of Snow

Okay, I think I've gone crazy. Why? After finally being able to leave the house without packing a spare blanket and checking in after every stop, I was so happy to be outside that I offered to help my folks clear snow off of their deck. It's been on there for over a month, so it's not like it was an urgent task. Yep, I'm nuts.

Then, I went inside and finished sewing a blanket (third? fourth? I've lost track.). There are 10 blankets nearly ready for donation now. My mom has done most of them. I'll use the "She's retired" excuse.

Now, I'm home and ready to tackle a few more projects. Uff. I've gone crazy.

Movie of the Day: Anything cheesy on Hallmark. My mom is addicted and she's dragging me down that slippery slope with her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally understand the need to get outside and feel some air on my face.
