Thursday, September 07, 2006

Here We Go

It's the first day of school and I'm nervous. Teachers get like that. You'd think after ten years, it wouldn't be a big deal, but it is. I have 170 new names to pronounce and then memorize. I have kids who are excited, nervous, or rebellious. I have returning students who will think they can get away with goofing off. I have major xeroxing to do before 9 AM.

I better go make my lunch.

Movie of the Day: Rebel Without a Cause. Poor guy.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean! Hope you have a good day! Joy

Rand said...

Good luck!

One in a million Saras said...

Have fun with it, rock star!

Anonymous said...

May the force be with you Becca!

Becca said...

Thanks, everyone. The day went well. Xeroxing done. Goofing off class did as expected (major renovations needed). And the rest were really good. It's weird how I can spot "trouble" on Day One.