Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Around and Around

I'm standing in one spot. Spinning. Everything, everyone is whirling by and I try to keep my balance. Getting..... dizzy..... must stop.....

Mission Updates (see Monday's post)?

Movie of the Day: Hanging Up. These ladies were spinning too.


Anonymous said...

Interesting post...

Status report - created opportunities for conversation on my plan to return. Tried to instill motiviation (if one can do that) with a friend for her summer job.

One in a million Saras said...

Created cookies. They were mostly small, though some got too big. They are not just for me, but also not for the whole world. Fun but not exciting...

Becca said...

Okay, so I was a bit stressed out when I wrote this. I'm not freaking out. I just would like to slow down a bit. I think it might actually happen tomorrow. Cross your fingers.