Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Peace and Quiet

Duluth's elections for the year are over and while some of the results were wonderful (think parks and libraries), some of them were not (think school referendum).   However, the best news is that my mailbox will not be filled with "Please vote for me" fliers, my door won't be crammed with glossy paper, and my phone won't be ringing off the hook!  Yikes!   Peace and quiet, I welcome thee.

In unrelated news, I spent about 5 hours correcting tests yesterday and I'm still not done!   My hands are numb.  I'm down to 16 left, though, so I can see the light.  No, not that light.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your referendum. We had two questions and thankfully both passed. It was not going to be good if they failed.

I sympathize about the test correcting! I just dread when essays come in! Fortunately, I have a student teacher so we can share the load right now.
