Sunday, January 22, 2012


If you've ever watched Harry Potter, you'll know that Professor Snape has an extremely impressive presence in his classroom.  He swooshes in with his long black robe flying behind him, a sneer on his face.  He's Scary with a capital S.  Tomorrow is the start of a new semester and my very first class of the day is a "Do Over" of a class that is essentially Algebra 1.   Every kid in the class has failed it before.  Every kid.  Now, maybe this will be a wake up call and maybe they will try to slack through it.  I don't know.  But I bet Snape would keep them in line.


Anonymous said...

I say wear a black cape and see what happens!!

Really though, if anyone can inspire those kids to do math it's you!!


Becca said...

Thanks, LaRae.