Saturday, January 21, 2012


I think I broke or chipped a tooth yesterday.  My back left tooth has been weird lately.  I was able to fiddle with it using my tongue and make a clicking sound.  It was kind of fun and good for an OCD fidgeter like me. 

The dentist couldn't find anything last summer, but I knew something was weird.   So, yesterday, I was enjoying lunch out as teachers do on the ONE day they don't have kids during the year.  We went to T-Bonz which is a darkly-lit bar and had a yummy veggie wrap.  No one had beer, though many people wanted it.  Well, there were a really weird CRUNCHY veggie in the wrap, but I just blew it off. 

Then, the same CRUNCHY "veggie" was in my cheese, Miracle Whip, mustard, and pepper sandwich last night.  Um.... bad news.  So, I found a little tiny chip that I saved.   For now, my tooth doesn't hurt, so I'm going to wait for my next dentist appointment in mid-February and see if it's fine the way it is.   Unless it starts hurting, why go in...

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