Sunday, November 12, 2006


I have too much stuff and I'm in the mood to sort, lighten up the house a bit, and breathe. My sister has the same urge right now. Is it genetic or is it the time of year? Winter is coming (we don't have snow yet, knock on wood), but it's definitely looming overhead. Are we straightening up "the cave" for hibernation or what?

Anyone else doing this?

Movie of the Day: White Christmas. Gotta love it!

1 comment:

Lois said...

Sunday afternoon I found myself trying to rid myself of paper that had piled up near my desk and computer. Too many piles. In one of the piles I found something I had printed in February '06. It was called The Weight of objects -- Clearing Your Space for Change. How appropriate! Several bags of paper have been discarded and a number of papers have been filed. I have some neater piles now --ones which won't tip over and fall on the floor! Still have some piles which are in very precarious positions. I am getting there slowly but surely.
You and Sara are not alone! I will forward the article to you both!