Monday, December 04, 2006


A couple years ago, I went to Taliesin West in Arizona. It's Frank Lloyd Wright's house and school for architects. He was very fond of the color red (Okay, probably obsessed.)

Any way, I bought a card in the giftshop and framed it for my home office:

Love is the virtue of the heart
Sincerity the virtue of the mind
Courage the virtue of the spirit
Decision the virtue of the will.

The Organic Commandment, 1940

Here is my favorite picture from the trip. It's an outdoor lamp. We were allowed to take pictures if we didn't use them for financial gain. This little scan doesn't do it justice.

Movie of the Day: Water. AMAZING!!!! You must rent it. If you are reading this in India, I'm sorry that it's been banned there. It's an important movie.


nathanhellman said...

Yay! Pictures! (hint: you should put more pictures on your's easy and colorful!)

Hope things are going well!

Becca said...

Thanks, Nate-o. Since I'm avoiding putting my own mug on the Web, that eliminates half of my photo albums. Just kidding. Hmmmmm....I'll see what I can come up with, k?

Anonymous said...

Do you take requests? I'd like to see a really cool picture of the lake. Maybe you could snap a sunrise sometime. Oh, I miss Duluth...
Glad you saw "Water". I thought you'd be interested in it.