Thursday, March 01, 2007

I Tried

Okay, I spent an hour writing about my return home and it wouldn't publish. GRRRRR!!!! Any way, maybe I'll try again later or another day. For now, I'm home on a snow day and we have another one tomorrow. Woo Hoo!!!

I might actually get a lot done this weekend!

1 comment:

Linda said...

That has happened to me more than once, it's maddening when that happens. So now, I write on a word document, then I copy and paste it to the blog, so I don't lose everything, it works much better. I only get frustrated now, if I "fine tune" what I wrote on the word document or add to it, then it doesn't publish, that happened to me recently. Oh, it makes me mad! Hope you had a good day off, and enjoy your day tomorrow.