Wednesday, March 28, 2007


What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

Movie of the Day: Amazing Grace. It was awesome!!!


Becca said...

I like to curl up on the couch and read. It's a rare activity these days. Maybe school should be "called for rain." ???

Michelle said...

Read. The short people in this household prevent that, somewhat.

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe not my Fav, but this morning I went to the Fitness Center, and then I learned the weight machine room was closed. I did the elipse and my ball-core work, and a few free weights that were hanging around.

It is windy out!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh...rainy days...I love them when I can curl up with a good book under a comfy blanket and enjoy the lazy grey day. Oh how nice.

Sus said...

"Some people walk in the rain, Others just get wet" I sing and dance! That quote is from Roger Miller. It was my senior quote in the ol' high school year book!

Linda said...

I like to take a nap. Today Bob and I went to the matinee, I saw "Reign on Me" and he saw "300 Spartans". We both thought our movies were good, and both admitted that the other one wouldn't have liked the one we saw! They were both in the same theatre, and the times were very similar, so it worked.