Wednesday, November 02, 2011


A few friends and I had a conversation about adapting to living with another person.  One friend was married and two of us are in our mid-thirties and never married.  We discussed what little things would drive us crazy if we had to change them and ended up talking about how glasses should be put in cupboards: right side up or upside down?  

I guess my parents fought over how to fold laundry.  Do you think people just copy what their parents did?  And if so, then really they are copying the parent-who-won's style!

So, survey: 
1) Do you put glasses in the cupboard right side up or upside down?
2) Do you fold towels length-wise first or width-wise first?


Anonymous said...

1. Right side up
2. Length wise, width-wise (in thirds), then length-wise again!

It drives me crazy when other people fold my towels. O.k., it happens very seldom, but it still drives me crazy!


Becca said...

LaRae, that's a lot of folding! Does your mom fold it that way too? I do Length, half-width, half-width. hmmmm....

Catharine Larsen, MA, LP said...

Glasses right side up, because the rims are the most fragile part of the glass.

Becca said...

Catharine, I LOVE that you have a logical explanation for MY preference. Woo hoo!!!! Stuff that in the back of my mind for the next time I need to fight for right side up!