Tuesday, January 16, 2007


So, I'm sitting here thinking that I should blog tonight so I don't have to rush tomorrow morning after walking two miles on my treadmill. I try to think of a topic while walking, but I end up rushed when I sit down to write.

The trouble is I just can't think of anything thrilling to write about tonight. I'm writing a final. I'm drinking diet Coke with grenadine. I'm listening to KT Tunstall, the Walk the Line soundtrack, and Fat Boy Slim on my stereo. I had some yummy organic bread for dinner. I discovered a stupid mistake at work which will cost me about $130. I dried my hair flipped upside-down and everyone thought I got a haircut or highlights. I dropped a 12-pack of pop in my garage yesterday and two cans split open. The puddle started freezing before I could wipe it all up. I had a piece of mail today that belongs to the son of the woman I bought my house from 5 years ago.

Yep. That's my day.

Movie of the Day: The Remains of the Day.


Linda said...

Well, you didn't have any trouble thinking of something to write about... see how easy it is for us bloggers to come up with what to write about. Read my blog tonight, I thought of it on the way home from our meeting tonight, and couldn't wait to get home to write and post it!- Linda

Anonymous said...

Your day was far more eventful then mine was. In the morning I discovered that a gift I had recieved for Christmas was to small and I had already thrown away the packaging - major bummer. Then I went to work, class, and ran some errands. Although I did attempt for the first time to make yogurt last night. I will find out today if it worked.

I hope you have a steller day on Wednesday :)

Anonymous said...

Your day was far more eventful then mine was. In the morning I discovered that a gift I had recieved for Christmas was to small and I had already thrown away the packaging - major bummer. Then I went to work, class, and ran some errands. Although I did attempt for the first time to make yogurt last night. I will find out today if it worked.

I hope you have a steller day on Wednesday :)

Anonymous said...

But your hair does look so incredibly cute!!!

Anonymous said...

But your hair does look so incredibly cute!!!