Friday, October 13, 2006

Anony's Questions

Well, I haven't seen any new movies lately and don't watch much TV! I went to Little Miss Sunshine for the fourth time last week and have been swamped with work otherwise. I did get a couple recommendations of DVDs and will be heading to Blockbuster tonight to check some out.

Movies that were recommended: Touching the Void about mountain climbers and Dark City which is Matrix-esque.

Today is _________ & ___________ Day at school. (Fill in your own high school's colors). It's going to be wild. I mean WILD. My plan is to make it through alive with all of my students unharmed and hopefully still allowed back in school on Monday. I will be showing an episode of Numb3rs, which is the perfect thing for today. It's just the right length and has math, suspense, action, and cute actors. Awesome!

Well, I hope you all have a lovely, lovely Friday. Go ___________s!


Anonymous said...

Very creative Becca!

Michelle said...

You survived the excitement of the bomb threat, then?