Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tired of Myself

I've been walking on my treadmill before school as of late (8 days now) and while I walk, I pray and then try to think of what to blog. This morning, I realized that I'm now tired of any ideas that I have for a post. Who wants to hear another gripe session about school? Who wants to know that I did my dishes last night? Very few people, I'm guessing.

So, this morning, I would like to take suggestions on post topics that you would like to read. I'm taking requests.

Movie of the Day: Lovely and Amazing. (Actually, it was kind of Disturbing and Boring, but I wasn't consulted on the title.)


Anonymous said...

What was the good news you referred to awhile back but weren't ready to share yet?

Linda said...

Diane...we can't push on on that one just yet... she will report the news in her own time...right Becca?

Linda said...

Write about how it is for a single woman in Duluth. Even single men... Are there any organizations, groups, etc. where an adult single can go to to meet other adult singles, without going to bars.
I could use some suggestions to pass on to another single adult that I happen to know, who is close to me...(you can guess who I'm talking about!)... anyhow, maybe write about that.

One in a million Saras said...

1. What you may build in your backyard next summer
2. Paris
3. The state of Gilmore Girls today
4. ways that we adults can reach out to teens
5. how you don't like dogs, but will taunt the Nuschler

Anonymous said...

Gilmore Girls for sure.

Any NEW tv shows you are watching?

Any new movies you have seen....

Anonymous said...

Becca asked for topics that we would like to read. I'd like to read something about her good news.

Becca said...

My good news is slowing turning into so-so news with the potential of returning to good, if he plays his cards right. Yes, it's about a man. A nice man. A smart man. That's really all I can write in case said man starts reading this. (Hi.)