Saturday, February 17, 2007

Bon Jour Day 2

Well, it's midnight on this side of the Atlantic and I'm going to have to blog quickly. Today was a big, big day. We started off by sleeping until 10 (unintended) and then eating croisants from a local bakery (which Nate picked up for us). Then, it was off to the Musee d' Rodin. Think "The Thinker." Nate's blog has some nifty pictures.

Next, we headed to the Eiffel Tower, stopping for sandwiches & quiche for lunch on the way. The walk up the tower was grueling (sense a theme??), but thrilling too. I keep getting vertigo walking down the steps!!! I don't know what my deal is. Oh well. We requested more grueling stair climbing for tomorrow, so we'll see what happens.

After that, we saw the Eiffel Tower sparkle from a tour boat on the Seine. Then, we had dinner at a restaurant named Indiana. It was nothing like the state.

Now, I must get to sleep so I don't waste half of the morning tomorrow!!!

Au Revoir!


David Oppegaard said...

cool. what happened in St. Paul today: it was sunny and cold, and I read a book in my living room.

That's pretty much it.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you!!! Keep enjoying :-)

Anonymous said...

You'll be in such good shape. The beauty of it is that you can probably eat a lot and not gain weight because of all the walking (and climbing).