Kids aren't allowed to wear hoods at school because we can't tell who they are if they are doing something wrong in the halls, etc. I have a couple sweatshirts and sweaters that have hoods and I try to sympathize with my students who compulsively put up their hood. I don't scream and yell, I just try to make eye contact and then swoop my hand in a "shove the hood back" motion. If it's a well-behaved kid, they follow suit right away. If it's a kid who likes to argue every last thing (you know a teenager like this, I'm sure), it takes me saying "_______. Hood." Sometimes it takes me going to the kid. Sometimes it takes 3 reminders in an hour. It's annoying.
It's cold out. I understand that. I just don't think I should have to be written up for not enforcing a rule because a kid keeps putting up their hood. (No, I haven't been written up, but it could easily happen one of these days if I'm not completely, 100% on top of every hood-lum, when an administrator walks in. Pressure!
Any way, if you have hoodies, wear them at home, but beware in my classroom. Swoop!
Movie of the Day: Boyz in the Hood. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!
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