Monday, February 05, 2007

Oh Boy

Okay, so I'm not good with change. Not at all. I'm a "let this sink in" kind of gal and the past 24 hours have had a lot of change in them. No, nothing crazy wild like getting engaged or anything. Just moderate things that I've been holding off on: digital camera, iPod, switching my blog to the new format (that one was forced upon me). So, here I am with a new gmail account, too!

The only change today that I was comfortable with was the cancellation of school because of the windchill factor outside (-45). Yep, I'm cool with that. (Ha ha).

Movie of the Day: The Big Chill. Another that I've never seen. Did see The Last Kiss last night, which was really good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No school...I'm jealous!!
