Monday, February 26, 2007

I'm Back, Such As I Am

Okay, we finally got home!!!! The trip was an ordeal that I'll share with you later tonight or tomorrow.

For now:
1) We are home.
2) My luggage is not.
3) I was awake for 38 hours straight.
4) We have a ton of snow AND school today.
5) I didn't have time to buy groceries.
6) There are gonna be a lot of people gone today (trapped somewhere like I was).
7) My trip was awesome!!!

Au Revoir & Cheers!


Michelle said...

Today will be hard, but oh, you were in France!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're safely back. I thought of you often and where you were probably stranded on your trip home.

Linda said...

I was thinking of you on Sat. and yesterday figuring that you were probably delayed by the snow and wondering if you got back safely.
Welcome Back! Home you have a good day, and as Michelle said, today will be hard, but hey, you were in FRANCE!