Saturday, December 17, 2005

Eve of Eve

Next Friday will be the Second Annual Eve of Eve Christmas Fiesta at my parents' house. My sister concocted the idea of having a party on the 23rd that would center around eating and playing board games instead of opening presents and getting all dressed up, etc. It's a time that isn't usually booked up with family traditions or work parties.

This year, my sister started talking about Eve of Eve in September. Yep, I thought it was a bit early too. Strangely, it's right around the corner and the cool thing is that the only prep needed is to make snacks! The board games are ready: Apples to Apples (awesome), Scattergories, Taboo, Pictionary, etc. Should be a blast!

The movie I'm watching today: March of the Penguins. Heard it was awesome and I like the little "tuxedoed dudes", so we'll see.

Ludicrous Lutefisk,
P.S. For those of you in Duluth, aren't you proud that I didn't grinch about the vast quantity of snow?

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