Thursday, August 17, 2006

Say It Ain't So

I'm in denial that it's August 17th. Anyone care to join me?

Movie of the Day: The African Queen. Cruisin' da Nile.


One in a million Saras said...

It's all good. Next month is Chocolate!

Alex said...

I love how you connect the movie of the day to the post. I just got it now. I should drink more coffee.

Anonymous said...

Serious denial. I have a faculty mtg on Monday! I don't want to go back to school... lets just have summer all the time!!!!

Becca said...

Thanks, Alex. Joy, you are welcome on my boat any time. We'll just sail around and avoid work. Sara, we need to start the "September is Now Called Chocolate" campaign. Think we can get on Oprah?