Thursday, July 13, 2006


I need to learn French. My friends Nate and Claire are moving to France in a couple days and I want to visit. Okay, maybe I won't be fluent in French, but I at least want to know enough to not get myself in trouble.

The major debate in my head goes something like this:

Pay my cousins to teach me?
Barter with my friend the French teacher?

I know enough Spanish to bluff my way into sounding fluent (at least around my students). I'm not sure about a full-fledged conversation. This could help me learn French, or it could get in my way. We'll see.

Any suggestions?

Movie of the Day: French Kiss. tee hee. I should work on that too.


Michelle said...

I might have a book around here or something. We were going to visit Paris once, but we became parents instead.

One in a million Saras said...

I say start dating a Frenchman. You'll be motivated to learn the language fast, you'll have a tour guide for when you go and it is much more interesting than tapes or books.

Becca said...

Excellent suggestion! Any Frenchmen out there who would like to start dating me, drop me an e-mail. You must be single, smart, and, well, French. No AARP members or high schoolers, please.