Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Do you ever have recurring nightmares? Mine always center around school, but only as a student, not as a teacher. I used to dream that I forgot to check my p.o.box in college and I can't even remember my number.

Last night, it was forgetting my locker combo (my locker was a dresser, though) and forgetting to attend specific classes and therefore forgetting my schedule. It was very embarrassing!

Does anyone else out there have recurring nightmares?

Movie of the Day: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. It was excellent, though left you with that "Hurry up and make the third one" feeling.


Rand said...

I dropped a class in grad school once. I still dream that I never "offically" dropped the class and that I was administratively given a "WF" (withdraw failing) grade, and that now, somehow, almost 20 years later, I need to go back and finish the assignments.

It never happened. I still dream that it did.

Becca said...

That's what sucks about those type of dreams: you can't do anything about it! Well, when my mom mentioned that my mailbox college dream was probably due to my distancing myself from my identity as an Olaf grad, then the dreams stopped. Whew.

BTW, interesting new picture. I'd like it better if you were smiling, though.

Michelle said...

When is the third one coming out?

My dream is not being ready for church: not having my sermon ready as I walk up front, not being able to get my robe on AT ALL, or having the bishop in attendance for such difficulties. It recently morphed into having a funeral for three people whom I didn't know and whose names had not yet been told to me.