Monday, January 30, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

Movie of the Day: Brokeback Mountain. I saw this movie yesterday with my sister and my friend Karen. I know that some are nervous to see two men falling in love. I was a bit nervous too. However, what's cool about this movie is that it isn't out to shock us. It treats their love as something sacred instead of graphic sex (which it doesn't show). It makes you think about the lives of these two men in the 60's and what little difference there is today. By the end, you forget that they are both men and just think of them as two people in love. This is a very important movie.

Ludicrous Lutefisk,


Anonymous said...

Thank you Becca!


Michelle said...

I want to see this!!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading the book tomorrow in my sacred Wednesday night quiet time (when kids are with their dad). I really appreciate how you worded your posting about the movie -- you are right on!

Linda said...

Michelle, Can I go see it with you, I want to see this movie and
can't convince my husband or son to see it with me. My son, the
movie goer too.... who says he is not homophobic...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review. Unfortunately, you are right about things not changing since the 60's. Now I have to find someone to go with, too!