Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A Positive Work Environment

Does anyone work with cheerful people? I don't mean "annoyingly cheerful", just people who don't gripe about everything? I know it's a coping mechanism, but it's starting to get on my nerves. I try to stay positive against some pretty tough situations, but when I'm faced with a gaggle of coworkers who are upset, it's tough. I don't know how to guard against it except to put up walls, which of course is not how I want to spend 8 hours of my day. Oy.

Any suggestions?

Today's movie: Working Girl. Melanie Griffith posing as her boss. Harrison Ford being cute.

Bonus movie: Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead. Christina Applegate forges a resume to get a job in fashion for a summer. Excellent example of pushing yourself to do what others think you can't do.

Ludicrous Lutefisk,


Anonymous said...

I recently caught Don't Tell Mom on HBO and all I can say is, David Duchovny, why don't you love me?
I was telling somone last night how only 1 percent of the population is cheerful in January. The rest of us need to relax and enjoy the downtime.

Anonymous said...

Guarding against advice--
1. Listen w. compassion and know you don't have to do a thing--they have a right to be in their own soup. (If only it were that easy!)
2. Say, "This depresses me, I have to go (and cheer myself up?)."

Anonymous said...

We could send them all happy Valentines...or just stay out of the breakroom ;-)

Linda said...


be compassionate for their unhappiness.

Remind yourself to stay upbeat and that you aren't going to let them "bring you down".

Yes, January seems to be a hard
month for all. I am a cheerful,
upbeat person, and I must say the beginning of Jan. I had my struggles staying upbeat and cheerful. I smiled a lot and breathed a lot!