Friday, February 03, 2006

Dating Ideas for the Young

I have a student who comes into my room in the morning to hang out for about 20 minutes. On Wednesday, she told me that she's too scared to ask the boy she likes to prom. I tried to give her a pep talk about guts, but she wasn't ready to listen. She told me later in the day that her friends have decided not to go until next year.

So, yesterday I suggested an Anti-Prom party. Dress down. Watch movies. Eat. Invite a huge group, including "The Boy". This was well-received!

Maybe I should throw an Adult Anti-Prom. Dress down. Watch movies. Eat. Invite a huge group, including..... Hmmmmmm..... I bet I could get a group together.

Today's Movie: Sixteen Candles. When I first saw this, I nearly keeled over when her grandma felt her up. The HORROR!!! I saw an ad in a magazine yesterday for a t-shirt that says "I (heart) Jake Ryan". After you watch this movie, you'll know why.

Ludicrous Lutefisk,

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