Sunday, February 26, 2006


We are three days away from the lovely month of March. March is a long month and the only one that's a verb. April, May, June, and August are all names and May is an adjective, or adverb, or something.

The verb "march" implies a lot of energy. You can't be sluggish; you have to stay in line and lift those knees. In these Northern parts of the world, this is not so easy in the cold and snow. So....

I propose that we change the name of the coming month to "Trudge." That's a more truthful name and sounds okay with January, February, Trudge, April,....

If you think about the "30 days have September, April, June, and November, all the rest have 31 except February...." song, the months left out are: January, March, May, July, August, October, and December. May, October, and December all have holidays on or near the 31st, giving us something to look forward to (even if it's only a barbeque). We would happily extend July and August another week if we could, so there's no problem there. We're left with January and March for the long-ies. We survived January for another year, so if we could fix March (I mean Trudge), we'd be fine.

What do you say?

Movie of the Day: Little Women. The March family in New England. It captures all of life's ups and downs while teaching good morals. Kirsten Dunst as a major twirp. Christian Bale as a hottie.



Anonymous said...

Hah Hah! The March, I mean Trudge family. Here is a movie we watched on Friday. "Millions" about 2 little boys who find thousands of dollars--it just drops on them. One knows all the names and dates of the saints and believes in God and trys to be good, the other, the older one, is fixed on the amounts, interest rates, etc. It is well done and funny and very dear.

Anonymous said...

Funny you should think this way about March. Probably why we get along so well. March is my most difficult month. Always has been. Maybe this year I'll try to say something nice about March every morning so that by the end of the month, I'll like it. Hmm... It can work with other things, maybe with the month, too.

Lois said...

In March, we have St. Patrick's Day! Whether you are Irish, or not, it's a great day! I always look forward to it since it is my natal day and living in Duluth I have observed that it is the first day that has 12 hours of daylight. Those are two reason to celebrate!
We can remember the big blzzard of 1965 and rejoice if we don't get another one.

Michelle said...

March family, March month. Good one.
I love March. It has my birthday (see Lois's note about the 1965 blizzard.) And Zane day (day we became his parents.) And, at least in Albert Lea where I grew up, pussy willows. That's May here, or July or something.