Saturday night I watched Elizabethtown with my folks and Sara (sister). One of the best parts is when Claire gives Drew a road trip map (which was really a kit). She tells him where to stop and makes him mixed cds to listen to along the way.
I would love to make and/or receive a roadtrip kit. To find the quirky places in the U.S. So many people around the world only see snippets of what we really are deep down. With our current leader, there are so many people not represented, that I think it'd be cool to really see the country for yourself, especially for foreigners.
A great line in Under the Tuscan Sun was when she was buying a house and they accused Americans to trying to take over everything and she said "A lot of us feel really bad about that." It's so true! There is actually a subtle oppression of the peacemakers these days. Maybe it isn't even subtle. We're trying to make things better.
For the record, I want peace. I would love foreigners to meet Americans who are against the war in Iraq- Americans who care about all of the horrible things that are happening to people around the world.
Any way.... the Movie of the Day: Next Stop Wonderland. We follow the dating lives of a man and a woman who we all know should be together if they would only meet. It's a quiet movie with a great soundtrack.
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