Saturday, February 04, 2006


Since I have a cold, I've been thinking about sle ep a lot lately. I learned about teenage sleep patterns in a grad school class and have tried to apply them to my life. Teens are supposed to get 9 hours and 15 minutes of sleep a night. Adults, less.

People sleep in cycles (different depths of sleep, etc.). If you wake up at the end of one of your sleep cycles, you will be more refreshed and wake up easier than if you interrupt a cycle.

I did a little experimenting with waking up naturally and calculating how many hours I'd slept. Turns out my sleep cycle is an hour and a half long. This means if I sleep 7.5 hours, I'm better off than if I sleep 8. Weird, but true.

Since I get up at 5 (ugh) on weekdays, I have been trying to get to bed by 9:30. It's actually working. This morning, I woke up around 8:15 naturally after getting to bed after midnight.

Movie of the Day: What Dreams May Come. A movie about a man whose wife dies and then he dies and tries to find her in heaven. Amazing colors in this film. Sad, though.

Ludicrous Lutefisk,

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