Thursday, February 09, 2006

Just Two Clicks Away

I've added a few links this evening. Each one is to a webpage that allows people to click on a tab and a donation will be made to charity. One click a day per person on each site will give food, free mamograms, books, save rainforest, etc. Pretty cool. I keep forgetting to go to the site, so maybe this will get me to go there and spread the word to each of you too!

Other than that, my comments sections have been pretty lonely (nudge, nudge). Is everyone feeling a second round of the January Blahs too? Maybe we all need to stir things up a bit. Hmmmmm....



Linda said...

Great idea on the links to the
hunger sites, etc. I want to go to them more regularly too, but forget. Thanks for the reminder. must tell me how to put
links on my blog site.

Anonymous said...

There is a link you can go to off the Hunger Site to sign up for daily reminders! I get reminders Monday-Friday and I save the Friday reminder and try to remember on Sat. and Sunday. You can just go to the Hunger Site and then go down the list. It is a painless way to help!

Anonymous said...

They give out free monograms? That's so cool! On towels or bedding? Handkerchiefs?