Friday, June 16, 2006

Less Crabby

I was too crabby to post this morning. Sorry, dear readers (all three of ya). I just didn't want to share the grumpiness so thought silence was better.

Now, with 125 (the exact number) baskets delivered safely to their runners, I am free to chill for the rest of the day. Ah, much better. That, and I went to the spaghetti dinner and carbs help my mood too. Whew.

Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. Michelle did an excellent job of summing it up. Add in the bonus of seeing some of my fun students and the knowledge that I'm not in charge of the whole 200-person/16-table station this year, and it should be an awesome time! (For a couple years, I did the baskets and headed the waterstation. Then, I woke up and realized I was insane!).

Movie of the Day: Waterworld. Saw this in a cheap theater in the Cities during college. Has the girl from Napoleon Dynamite in it. Otherwise, it's a pretty crappy movie. Unless you like Kevin Costner. Wait, why am I recommending this?

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