Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I had a couple minutes to spare yesterday, so I ended up in a bead store, just looking around. I heard the clerk say that she marks the beads up 300% because of theft. This pisses me off. I spend too much money on beads and hearing that it's because of bead thieves is annoying. I should get my act together and make some bead myself. The chance of theft is much smaller.

Movie of the Day: Harold and Maude. I remember sitting in my backyard as a kid and having my mom yell out of the kitchen window that a cool movie was on tv. I was at the impressionable age of an early teenager. The last thing I wanted to see was a teenager and an octogenarian falling in love. EW!!!! I should try it again. Maybe. Someday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lauren has seen that movie 5 times. He laughed so hard, he couldn't breathe. He made all of our kids go to see it with him. It is a classic. (I've seen it 2 or 3 times myself.)