Monday, May 08, 2006

A Fresh Start

Dear Monday,
I'm writing to let you know that I'm a bit tired this morning, but don't worry I'll perk up when the caffeine hits. I know you have a lot of pressure, being the first day of the work/school week and all, but if you could somehow find a little time for goofing off, that would be cool. You have a lot of responsibility having to start the week. Every week. Forever. I know it must wear you down, just like it wears down some people. I hope you have a chance to rest the "rest" of the week.

Take care,

Movie of the Day: United 93. I saw this last Monday and it was awesome. I was scared to see it, actually, but it was very well done. Even though you know how it ends, you hope and hope that something will change. The hardest scene to watch was when the passengers are calling their loved ones to say good-bye. See it if you think you're in the right state of mind. Oh, and I liked that it didn't paint the hijackers as horrid people.

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