I think I have a new project for this week. One that will get me through. It's gonna sound nerdy, I'm sure. While walking on my treadmill this morning, my thoughts wandered to what I'm going to do with my Algebra 2 class on Wed/Thurs/Fri. this week. Eleven kids are going on a chemistry fieldtrip to Chicago, leaving the rest of us to go on about our business. In most classes, this would be half of the kids and I would fluff my way through the time. My class has 30 kids, though, thus taking the class down to about all the other teachers' class-sizes. hmmmm...
So, I've decided to make the three days awesome (and educational). Just how, I'm not sure yet. It must involve food, math, and (I hope) laughing. I'll keep you posted on what I come up with.
Movie of the Day: The English Patient. Oh, how I loved this movie. The torment. The secret love. Ralph Fiennes. Sigh.
Did you ever see that Seinfeld where everyone loved The English Patient but Elaine? She was outcast for her views...hilarious.
Wait a minute. You loved the English Patient? Why do I not remember this? We were raised by the same parents?
I haven't watched many Seinfelds, actually. Watched Friends and then went back to my homework. Hmmmm... Funny.
O.I.A.M.S~ You didn't like English Patient? I think you might have been traded from gypsies. :)
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