Thursday, May 18, 2006

Roller Coasters

I had a "Roller coaster" kinda day yesterday. I got to work and found out one of my students from first semester had taken his life. That sent the day and most everyone in it into a tailspin of questions and tears. Teachers were asked to try to carry on, which worked to some degree. After work, I had some good things happen (watched Alias, received some fun email, etc.). Rollercoasters.

My random brain takes roller coasters and jumps to Valley Fair (Minnesota's main stationary amusement park). I haven't been there in years, but I love three specific rides:

1) The Flume aka log ride. Fake log boats. Water. FUN!
2) The Corkscrew. About an hour's wait for 45 seconds of fun. You get to be upside down.
3) The Looping Starship. Looks like a Viking ship. Swoops like a pendulum until you are upside down. (Theme?) Very good for losing change, glasses, your lunch.

Movie of the Day: A Time to Kill. Amazing movie. Very emotional, so brace yourself.


David Oppegaard said...

Sorry to hear about your student. That is sad.

Anonymous said...

B- Sorry to hear about your student.