Monday, April 24, 2006


I have a love/hate relationship with flossing. I love when I do it, but hate the actual process. It's one of those things that I know I SHOULD do every single day. If I skip ONE time, I'm doomed to not floss for months. (I brush three times a day, though.)

Today, I see the dentist. The hygenist is probably going to comment, but there has been the rare occasion when she didn't. Yep, that's right folks, I got way with cram-flossing before the appointment (a couple days).

This time, I started last night, which probably won't cut it. Well, it cut my gums, but ... Any way, we'll see. If she mentions it, I'll own up to my laziness and try to do better. What else can she do, right? Slap me with a No Flossing Ticket?

My favorite line from Prelude to a Kiss is when the old guy tells Meg Ryan to floss. I think of that in my times of flossing shame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think the last minute flossing is what a lot of people do. James was flossing a lot last week and then I realized he had a dental appt.....